
sdtech Team Won the Grand Award at "Embedded Technology & IoT Technology 2015: Embedded IoT Hackathon"!

“Embedded Technology & IoT Technology 2015” was held from November 8 through 20. In the awards ceremony that took place in the afternoon of the last day, November 20, sdtech won the grand award for one of the exhibition event “Embedded IoT Hackathon”.   This event was held aiming to explore and nurture “Embedded IoT talent” who can lead the embedded system industry in the future as well as to look for new possibilities and direction of the embedded system, which is changing in the IoT era (Planned by ET Executive Committee; Chair of Embedded IoT Hackathon WG: Seiko Shirasaka, Associate Professor, Keio University). The task was disclosed in the morning of Wednesday, November 18, and the time given was 50 hours. Ten teams participated in this event competing against each other with ideas and development skills. For the event which lasted three days, the participants were required to describe the development goals and implementation means using GSN (Goal Structuring Notation). Randomly chosen strict conditions were also assigned to the participants, in which the participants were required to use specified items and not to use other specified items. Under the assigned conditions, “to use Stream Analytics for data analysis” and “not to use smart phone and tablet,” we won the grand award.          

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