
Knowledge Sharing #01-17

sdtech EVP/CTO, Hirotaka Suzuki, holds internal knowledge sharing sessions for our members on irregular basis. Topics of the session are not limited to "Design Engineering," but also open to various genres including requests from members and new ideas from EVP/CTO Hirotaka Suzuki.   The knowledge sharing which started in 2018 has reached the 17th session. As everyone enjoy a free lunch, we share information and exchange ideas, regardless of the job type or the project involved in. We plan to continue hosting it in the years to follow, and share on our website.     The following is a list of topics we have covered.   #01: Machine Learning (1) (confidence interval) #02: Machine Learning (2) (correlation) #03: sdtech Products #04: Machine Learning (3) #05: Machine Learning (4) (test) #06: Machine Learning (5) (probability) #07: Machine Learning (6) #08: Presentation Tips to Convey, Compel and Convince (1) #09: Presentation Tips to Convey, Compel and Convince (2) #10: Training Report #11: Content Creation Flow Using KANZI #12: Table Magic #13: Knowledge Derivation Approach Concerning VUI Design in Science Fiction Films #14: Engineering Knowledge that Designers Should Know #15: CES 2019 Observation Report #16: Basics and Considerations of VUI #17: Guest Speaker  

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