
Knowledge Sharing #20

sdtech hosts internal knowledge sharing sessions for staff members on an irregular basis. Our 20th session was held online for the first time. Topics: 1) Project Summary 2) Communication Tool Demo   1) Project Summary A successful practice of "Design Engineering", our core approach, in a recent software development project was shared. - Clarification of the client's demand through interviews and visualizing it with rough mock-ups by UX designers. - Efficient software development with the client by utilizing the rough mock-up for rapid tests and finalizing specifications. Distinctive findings from the project were shared as well.

  2) Communication Tool Demo (Monica Inc., hereinafter Monica) "Morris" by Monica is a unique tool to boost communication between people in different fields of jobs. It was a great match for sdtech as we collaborate with people from various fields in our projects. While sharing thoughts from diverse viewpoints are critical, it is not always easy to do so. This is where Morris comes in. We had a privilege of inviting guest speakers from Monica and walked through Morris at our online workshop. A few members from sdtech joined the demo and experienced this new communication tool by discussing on a topic selected.

  Though it was our first time to hold a knowledge sharing session online, everybody enjoyed joining from their home and the same friendly atmosphere we had from the past on-site sessions.

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